1000 Mb web space
1000 Mb for Backaup
10 Gb Monthly Bandwidth
CMS system
(Edit & manage your site)
full Dynamic site
Responsive Website (Supports Mobil, Tablet, HD Screens and Desktop)
Modern dynamic designs
5 pages from unlimited pages
Training video tutorials
Photo album & slide show
1 Extra
MySQL database
Web 2.0 Dynamic Design
Domain Registration
Domain name registration Domain Name
Full support for MySql & PHP
Cpanel Support
web mail - Outlook
15 Email accounts
Email Support
Delivered in only 4 working days from signing the contract.
Add up to 2 GB at a price of 400 LE per one Giga (special offer for clients EgyMe dot com)
Adding second language cost 35% of the package
1350 LE Every year (paid every year)